Web Design Services:

SEO Tips and Tricks

To gain more revenue from your website one should always keep a close watch on his/her  website’s SEO and its high page rank in Google, MSN, Yahoo and other popular search engines. And please keep it in mind that this is not at all a over night job to get the expected  result. You have to draw a relevant plan/strategy to meet this target. There are some  important steps one should have to do as follows: 1. Home Page Content: This is by far the most important aspect that which you write in your  home page because almost all the […]

SEO Friendly URL

Developing a website maintaining SEO friendly url is always an advantage for google to parse data thereby enhance the site€™s overall SEO. The URL that contains https://www.elogicsoft.com/?page_id=2 is not healthy for SEO and it prone to data manipulation too via sql injection from the browsers address bar. An experienced hacker quiet easily hack/inject external data into the DB or getting your valuable data from the DB. These URL(s) are may be called as Dirty URL(s) or Irrelevant URL(s). The dirty url(s) have the following demerits. The clean or seo friendly url should have the structure like https://www.elogicsoft.com/about-us/. This is very […]